My dad and I went to the local saw mill. This is what I picked up. More flamed maple, two boards. One big board of flamed ambrosia maple. One board of amazon mahogany, and a big chunk of basswood.
The maple I picked up last time was flat sawn, which I will use for laminated necks.
I love the local sawmill. Its so inexpensive. The ambrosia maple is about 1″ x 12″ x 8’ long. It has some nice figure, which is hard to photograph. I’m not sure how well I’ll be able to use it, but it was 14 bucks!
This time I was trying to find pieces of flamed maple that had some decent quartered grain in it for backs and sides. Both boards have a mix of grain. One thing I realized… new band saw blades are definitely needed! I think I’ll order a couple carbide tipped blades before I try to saw any more. That and I need a few good hours to really set up the band saw. Then I can go at it and resaw all my backs and sides. I somewhat successfully resawed a section of the smaller board. Despite the poor saw job, it looks like it will work.
I made the piece long enough for sides. Worst case, I’ll cut them down to side width. Took a pic with the template for my classical on top. Next guitars will be OO size, but the template is close enough for now, just to see how it would look.
Filed under: Luthiery, Woodwork, Workshop